Table-Driven Test Design

With an Example in C

Many universities teach programming in Java. Writing unit tests is one of the subjects being taught. Many professional Java programmers, but also university professors, suggest to build those test cases according to a pattern. Given, When, Then is a common pattern, and so is Arrange, Act, Assert. Both patterns prescribe the following structure for a test case:

  1. Given/Arrange: An environment (in the broadest sense) is built up.
  2. When/Act: The function or method to be tested is invoked.
  3. Then/Assert: The result of the function or method is checked against some expectation.

Such a test case might look as follows (Java):

public void testAddition() {
    // Given/Arrange
    Calculator calc = new Calculator();
    int a = 3;
    int b = 5;

    // When/Act
    sum = calc.add(a, b);

    // Then/Assert
    assertEqual(8, sum);

A rule often taught is the so-called single assert rule from Robert C. Martin, whom I refuse to call «Uncle Bob». It states that there should be only one assertion per test case. One can argue whether or not this rule is useful.

Unclean Code

However, in my experience this rule leads to a consequence I do not like—and which also doesn’t fit into the Clean Code philosophy (or cult, I daresay): The programming language being used to write test code is a small subset of the implementation language, often degenerating into a sheer sequence of statements (imperative programming).

Even though using a subset of a language is often a sensible approach (just think about C++, or with and eval in JavaScript, or unsafe in Go, etc.), using a subset of a language that doesn’t even contain core features from structured programming (branching, loops, data structures) does not sound sensible to me, except when programming in a purely functional style.

How should an additional test case to cover, say, negative numbers, be added to the one above? The single assert rule wants us to write an additional test case:

public void testAdditionWithNegativeNumbers() {
    // Given/Arrange
    Calculator calc = new Calculator();
    int a = -1;
    int b = 3;

    // When/Act
    sum = calc.add(a, b);

    // Then/Assert
    assertEqual(2, sum);

Who would type in that code, which is almost identical to the one above? Such code is rather copied than written again. (Why don’t I hear somebody shouting «Clean Code!!!!11» now?)

Structured Programming to the Rescue

Let’s violate the single assert rule for a minute and bring back structured programming. Let’s write a unit test in C!

typedef struct {
    int a;
    int b;
    int expected;
} addition_test_case;

void test_addition()
    addition_test_case tests[] = {
        {3, 5, 8},
        {-1, 3, 2},
    int n = sizeof(tests) / sizeof(tests[0]);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        addition_test_case test = tests[i];
        int actual = add(test.a, test.b);
        if (actual != test.expected) {
            printf("add(%d, %d): expected %d, got %d\n",
                    test.a, test.b, test.expected, actual);
    printf("test_addition: %d tests passed\n", n);

This test case, which does not make use of any unit testing framework, was designed in a table-driven manner. I first got to know the concept of table-driven test design when learning Go by reading The Go Programming Language (p. 306) by Alan A. A. Donovan and the great Brian W. Kernighan.

However, the concept must predate Go, for I can at least remember one article by Rob Pike, who later designed Go, mentioning table-driven test design. (Ironically—or not so ironically—that article was a critique of object-oriented programming, as far as I can remember.)

Table-Driven Test Design

Let’s break down the parts that make up a table-driven test design.

First, a single test case is defined using a structure that contains all the input parameters, and the expected result of the test:

typedef struct {
    int a;
    int b;
    int expected;
} addition_test_case;

Second, an array—the test table–containing all the test definitions is defined (Given/Arrange):

addition_test_case tests[] = {
    {3, 5, 8},
    {-1, 3, 2},

Third, the test table is processed using a loop (structured programming, remember that?):

int n = sizeof(tests) / sizeof(tests[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    // omitted

For every test case, the result is computed (Act/When):

addition_test_case test = tests[i];
int actual = add(test.a, test.b);

Fourth, the result is validated against the definition (Then/Assert):

if (actual != test.expected) {
    printf("add(%d, %d): expected %d, got %d\n",
            test.a, test.b, test.expected, actual);
printf("test_addition: %d tests passed\n", n);

An error message is printed if the actual value is not equal to the expected value (in case add was implemented incorrectly):

add(3, 5): exptected 8, got 666

Note that this test terminates after the first error. No assertions are used. The lack of a test framework is compensated by manually defined error and success messages.

Yes, I’m well aware of the fact that there are unit testing libraries in C. The point is that this C code covering two test cases is only slightly longer than the Java code to cover the same amount of test cases would be. (Using Python or Go rather than C would have shaved off some additional lines.)

Now let’s add a third and a fourth test case:

addition_test_case tests[] = {
    {3, 5, 8},
    {-1, 3, 2},
    {13, 17, 30}, // new
    (-100, 100, 0}, // new

No code was copied. No existing code was modified. Only two lines of code have been added to define two additional test cases. The table-driven test is extensible. Robert C. Martin would love it, or wouldn’t he?

Comparing Apples to Rotten Tomatoes

So why isn’t everybody writing table-driven tests instead of triple-A copy-paste tests?

First, some programming languages make it harder to define data structures as literals. Languages like JavaScript, Python, or Go are quite good at that. Even C, as shown above, can be quite concise when it comes to defining static data structures. Java recently got better at it, but up to version 8, defining a static map structure was done by adding single elements subsequently. (Why don’t I hear «DRY principle!!!1» now?)

Second, the unit testing framework plays an important role. In C, (at least as shown above), and in Go (as it is done using the standard library), no assertions are used. The programmer instead performs the checks manually and reacts with a reasonable error message. The programmer is supposed to program the tests.

Some unit testing frameworks that do make use of assertions also allow to add custom error messages to every assert call. Other frameworks, such as Jest, just will tell you on which line an assertion failed. This is not very useful when having assertions within a loop, for the programmer does not know which test case failed. At least for Jest, writing pure sequential assertion code is a necessity, and the single assert rule looks quite reasonable from that perspective.

The PyTest framework, for example, has table-driven test design built-in, by providing the static test definitions through a decorator, which is basically an annotation in Java lingo. (Check @pytest.mark.parametrize for details.) However, this approach makes it impossible to include information into the test table that needs prior construction within the test function.

More recent versions of JUnit also allow for parametrized tests (check out the @ParametrizedTest and @ValueSource annotations). The restrictions stated above for PyTest also apply here. Again, the poor programmer is put into straightjacket, for he’s not supposed to program, but only to test.

My favourite test framework is from the Go standard library, which on one hand gives the programmer total flexibility, and on the other hand provides an useful API to construct small but powerful test runners. Checkout the testing package for details. (And read The Go Programming Language by all means, even if you don’t need to learn Go. You’ll pick up a lot about computer science in this book.)

Single Assert Rule Revisited

The discussion about testing frameworks and programming languages (and text editors, and tabs vs. spaces) could be extended here ad nauseam. But let’s review the single assert rule instead, which could be interpreted from two perspectives:

  1. Runtime: assert should only be called once per execution of every test function/method.
  2. Code: There should only be one reference to assert in every test function/method.

While the first interpretation makes table-driven design impossible, the second interpretation might be closer to the rule’s original intention: Each test case should only verify one aspect of the function/method being called.

I’ll therefore continue to happily violate the first interpretation of the rule, for the advantages of table-driven test design (extensibility, flexibility, more concise code) outhweigh the indiscriminate application of some hand-wavy statements about «doing only one thing» by far. Please let me just program those tests…

As an additional example, check out my test cases for some time formatting routines (test_timefmt.c). Here, the test table can be used in two directions: One function uses the left value as input and the right value as the expected outcome, while the other function does the opposite. Here, two new test cases are defined by adding one (very short) line of code.

Am I allowed to shout «Clean Code!» and «DRY principle!» now, by the way?